
[세미나]Spectro-Temporal Dispersion-Engineered Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Sensing and Communications
  • 관리자
  • 2024.11.06
  • 157


- 주제: Spectro-Temporal Dispersion-Engineered Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Sensing and Communications

- 일시 및 장소: 11월 7일 12시 TE908

- 내용: The development of spectro-temporal dispersion-engineered electromagnetic metamaterials (STDEMs) offers a novel approach to enhancing sensing and communication systems. By precisely manipulating both spectral and temporal dispersion properties, these engineered materials enable superior control over electromagnetic wave propagation, providing benefits in bandwidth efficiency, sensitivity, and signal integrity. This presentation explores the design principles, fabrication techniques, and functional properties of STDEMs, focusing on their unique ability to tailor phase velocity, group velocity, and refractive index profiles. Through tunable dispersion and anisotropy, these metamaterials can adapt dynamically to changing environmental and operational conditions, making them highly versatile for real-time applications. We further discuss potential use cases in areas such as ultra-fast signal processing, high-resolution sensing, and secure, low-latency communication networks. Our findings suggest that spectro-temporal dispersion engineering in metamaterials can significantly enhance performance metrics in next-generation electromagnetic applications, paving the way for advanced sensing and communication technologies.

- 연사: Michael Wu  (from National Taiwan University)

- 주관: 김영욱 교수 연구실