
[세미나]Trustworthy AI for Optimization in Power Systems
  • 관리자
  • 2024.07.12
  • 1027


- 일시: 2024년 7월 15일 9시 ~ 11시

- 장소: https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/5770127876

- 연사: Dr. Wenbo Chen, Amazon (just graduated from Gatech)

- 제목: Trustworthy AI for Optimization in Power Systems

- 초록: 

Trustworthy AI has the potential to revolutionize real-time optimization in power systems. The integration of green energy introduces increased uncertainties into power systems. These uncertainties bring new types of risk, motivating Independent System Operators (ISOs) in the US to perform real-time risk analysis. Traditional optimization-based risk assessment is impractical given the stringent time constraints of real-time operations, as it requires systematically solving a sequence of large-scale optimization problems for thousands of load and renewable scenarios. To address this challenge, we propose neural optimization solvers to enable real-time risk assessment at scale. In this talk, I will present the foundation of developing trustworthy neural optimization solvers from the perspective of feasibility and optimality. Built on it, I will present the first scalable real-time risk assessment framework, capable of detailed risk analysis at the generator and transmission line levels.

- 주관: 김홍석 교수 연구실