- 연사: Prof. IL-MIN KIM, ECE, Queen’s University, Canada (캐나다 실시간 세미나)
- 일시: 5/25(화) 10:00 ~ 10:50
- 방법: 비대면 Zoom (실시간)
- https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/88056373168?pwd=U08rREVlaWlIU1NrdDFoR0pBbXdjdz09
- 회의 ID: 880 5637 3168 / 암호: sogang
- Biography: Il-Min Kim has been Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, since 2003. He is currently Director of Wireless Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (WAI lab).
His research interests are mainly in Wireless Artificial Intelligence including On-Device AI, machine learning, deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, AI for IoT/IoE/IIoT/Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS), Signal processing for IoT/IoE/IIoT/AIoT, Federated learning, edge device computing, AI-driven 6G and V2X, and energy harvesting.
He publised over 110 SCI papers and holds a number of patents either issued or pending in U.S., Japan, Germany, and Korea. At Queen's University, he also received many awards including ECE Best Professor Awards in 2016, 2011, 2008, 2006, and 2005. He has served as Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, and Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN).
- 주관: 소재우 교수 연구실