
[세미나]Inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging of automotive targets
  • 관리자
  • 2023.05.10
  • 896


- 일시: 2023년 5월 11일 목요일 오후 1시 

- Zoom Link: https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/9617817338?pwd=b0lqenI2RFFQR3NMcnJBQmJCQTlJQT09 

- 연사: Prof. Shobha Sundar Ram (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi)

- 제목: Inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging of automotive targets

- Abstract: Automotive targets undergoing turns in road junctions offer large synthetic apertures over short dwell times to automotive radars that can be exploited for obtaining fine cross-range resolution. Likewise the wide bandwidths of the automotive radar signal yield high range resolution profiles. Together, they are exploited for generating inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) images that offer rich information regarding the targets' shape, size and trajectory. In the talk, the speaker will present a simulation framework for generating large volumes of realistic ISAR images at millimeter wave frequencies for training classifiers. The model is subsequently used for classifying different types of vehicles using real data. Further, the speaker will discuss how the ISAR images can be fused with camera images for overcoming some of the limitations with respect to radar imaging. Finally, the speaker will discuss the causes of misclassification of the radar images through explainable artificial intelligence.

- Bio: Shobha Sundar Ram is Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi. She did her Bachelor of Technology in ECE from the University of Madras, India in 2004 and then her Master of Science and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, USA in 2006 and 2009 respectively. Before joining IIIT Delhi, she worked as a research and development electrical engineer at Baker Hughes Inc. USA. She is engaged in research and education principally in the areas of radar signal processing and electromagnetic sensor design and modeling. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, an active member of the Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society, an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems

- 주관: 김영욱 교수 연구실